Tuesday 22 October 2013

Development of ideas on a title.

Have been mulling over a title for my project which best gets across the idea of what I plan to explore. Looking at the areas at the edges of the city / urban areas / commercial developments, where they blend into more rural ares.

Possibilities so far:

'Periphery'  - my first idea and quite a solid candidate.

'Edgelands' - sums it up best at the moment, but it is also the title of a book on a similar theme by Michael Symmons Roberts and Paul Farley, so feels a bit like I'm copying if I use that.

'Hinterlands'- I like the word but not sure the definition quite fits the theme.

'Margins' - Plenty of scope within this title and maybe gets quite close to what I have in mind.

I'll add more if they come to mind, but might be best to see how the project develops before finally deciding. No need to hurry and not really necessary unless it goes into an exhibition (which I sincerely hope it will).

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