Friday 25 October 2013

Assignment 2 - more woes

Some people never learn, and so for the second time within a week my camera gear is drip-drying on the living room table. Got caught in a thunderstorm out on the open land between the M60 and Stretford. After Sunday's shenanegans I should have known better and taken full waterproofs. I could see the storm behind the subject I wanted to shoot but never imagined it would move over the area I was in. It had been such a nice afternoon the thought of rain seemed remote. In the end I took one shot - not of what I had intended but an incidental shot on the way to the spot I had planned, then had to abandon the shoot due to being soaked and the risk of being struck by lightning.

Last night's outing didn't fare much better. Went to the same place to photo a generating station, or pumping station - not quite sure what it is, but it has lots of graffiti on it in a green setting. Due to dealing with some phone calls I got there late; so late and dark in fact my light meter couldn't read the ambient light. I took a guess at a 2 minute exposure, but the app I was using to count the time (Photo Tools) crashed after about 1 min, so I had to go off  'feel' for how long the exposure was. Will be interesting to see how near my guesswork was when the film comes back, but I'm not holding my breath.

Hopefully my bad luck / bad judgement patch is now behind me and I can do something right this weekend.

On a more positive note, took delivery of a book on Stephen Shore yesterday (whose work I am doing my Critical Review on),  with contributions by Joel Sternfeld,  Michael Friednad Christy Lange. Although I have seen many images in the book before, there are sufficient new ones to me to make it interesting, and I look forward to reading the contributers' text to see what they have to say and if/ how it differs from what I have in my mind.

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