Tuesday 21 January 2014

Film and digital

Slow progress over the last couple of weeks. Have managed to get out with the camera a little over the last couple of weekends, and the ideas for the Major project are starting to form into something more solid with a definite 'look' to the images. I want to pursue the idea of shooting at twilight, using a mix of ambient and artificial light (streetlights, flash, car headlights etc.)

Have started to use the digital camera as a way of shooting test shots in these difficult conditions, a bit like the old 'polariod' method of doing things. It gives the added bonus of providing a 'backup shot' incase there are any disasters with the film shots (which happens more frequently than I would like, especially with the large format camera). What has struck me the most is the difference in the 'look' between the shots done on digital and those on film, the two having a quite different feel and atmosphere. I've also experimented with making the shots more subtle and less 'popped', while trying to avoid them looking dull or lifeless.

Of the two images below, the top one was shot on film, and the bottom one on digital. Both have had some processing done in Photoshop, but retain the key differences in the 'look' of each shot straight from the scanner or RAW file. On balance I prefer the film version, it has an 'edge' to it which I feel is lost on the digital version, which is more 'polished' looking, and somehow looks a little artificial, almost CGI-like. Some may not like the colour cast from the lamp in the film shot, but I feel it adds to the atmosphere (it looks a bit greener for some reason on the original, less yellow than below - maybe the blog software playing a part there).

I've also been getting to grips better with scanning the images, with the discovery the for some reason, certain negs look better scanned as a positive, then inverted and colour balanced later. Im not sure of the science behind this, but I know it works with some negatives.

Still frustrated by my lack of progress on Assignment 2, I seem to be stuck on the Colour Accent brief in finding enough oppertuunities to make images using the principle, there just doesn't seem to be that much around which I can use. I shall endeavour to continue the search.

Took delivery of the book 'The Language of Landscape' by Anne Whiston Spirn, so this will hopefully give me a deeper insight into my subject matter and provide some food for philosophical thought. I shall post my thoughts on the book when I have read through it; it's quite a substantial book, so there is plenty to go at.


  1. You might find a look a Bob Avakian's nightime photography of some interest.

    I couldn't get on with Anne Whiston Spirn's book, it is one of the few I put to one side, I may go back to it eventually but it was proving a real slog.

    1. Wow, cheers for the pointer to Bob Avakian, Duncan. I had never heard of him before, but yes, his work is right up my street, great stuff and just what I was looking out for. I'll put him alongside my favorites of that genre, Todd Hido and Bill Jackson.

      Only just getting started with Anne Whistin Spirn's book so don't really know what to make of it; it's not what I was expecting that's for sure. Thought it would deal more with aesthetics etc. Maybe I haven't got to that bit yet!
