Tuesday 1 April 2014

Typing time

Spent a lot of time at the keyboard over the past couple of weeks. I have been writing up my commentary to Assignment Two, which I have come to a point where I would like to submit it for a report from my tutor. The commentary ran to over 4000 words, which reflects the fact it has taken so long to complete the assignment, but also that I have been doing a lot of other work in the background towards my major project at the same time. Also been busy with a report response to Assignment One, which includes a re-shoot of the images for the Gestalt project after some negative feedback.

I have also been putting together artists statements, biography and commentary for the upcoming exhibition at Bank Street Arts in sheffield which I am taking part in along with 5 other student. I'm very much looking forward to this as it will be my first ever exhibition. I'm also hoping for a solo exhibition of work from my 'Counting Seeds' series so have put together an exhibition proposal ( first time I have done anything like that and it was very difficult from the point of view that I hadn't got a clue where to start or what the finished text should look like). So that is being sent off to various galleries in the Manchester area, and my fingers are firmly crossed.

Work towards my  other future assignments is coming along slowly but steadily in the background. I am recognizing a couple of themes coming out in the shots; one is the presence of barriers such as fences and gates which are everywhere in the edgelands, and the other is of urbanization 'peeping' over the top of things like woodland, hedges and greenery.

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