Tuesday 17 December 2013

Assignment Feedback initial response.

Got official feedback on Assignment 1 finally after some communication confusion. Hopefully now the procedure for Assignments will be as it was when I did the Advanced course - I submit work to the tutor, the tutor sends their feed back and I act on the feedback, sending a response and any changes deemed necessary.

I had received most of the comments via email before, but the note on the images for the Gestalt project I hadn't been seen before. The first comment was that In general this project is too technically focused and lacks personal engagement and conceptual thinking. OK. I take this to mean that I've concentrated on making images that demonstrate the theories, rather than creating images an idea or voice behind them, and using the Gestalt principles to help deliver idea or make the images work. I suppose this is fair comment really as I hadn't at the time I took them decided on an idea for the direction of my major project, and was still thinking things through, so the images were I suppose in hindsight demonstrating the principles rather than incorporating them into meaningful images, which I think is what the feedback is getting at.

This has started me wondering a about the shots I have done for Assignment 2, the 'Clear Separation', 'Eliminating Depth Clues', and 'Colour Accent' briefs. I need to take a long hard look at what I have produced for those projects and make sure I haven't fallen into the same trap. The images I have created are meant as build-up to my Major Project, shot in the locations I will be using for that, and a way of starting to work the ideas through to develop a clear train of thought as to how the  major project images will look, while trying to answer the demands of the briefs for Ass. 2. In that way they are relevant and the ideas of the Periphery or Edgelands hopefully are starting to come through, and hopefully these won't be seen as much as a 'box ticking exercise'. I think the difficulty with these kind of projects is marrying the outline of the brief with the idea of the shot, always a chicken and egg situation, and one where the difficulty is in producing something that doesn't look contrives or too self conscious.

I will look at the images again over the next few days and think about changing some of the ones I was going to submit for Assignment 2. I will also have to think about possibly re-shooting for Assignment 1, as I do not want negative feedback to go unaddressed as I feel it would be detrimental come assessment time. Hopefully I will have some time over the upcoming festive holiday period to think things through more clearly.


  1. Are the images posted somewhere, it would be lovely to see them?

  2. Hi Duncan, not yet, I might put them on Flickr over the next few days.


