Monday 25 November 2013

Early rise dawn shoot, research and develompent of ideas

Awoke early for some reason on Saturday morning, and looked out to see the first traces of daylight appearing and a clear sky with frost. Took advantage of my unplanned early rise by heading out to an area near Sale Water Park (one of the areas I have earmarked for my major project) to get some pre-sunrise shots in. lots of pastel colours in the sky and on land before sun-up. Took the opportunity to try out my new 250mm lens for the RZ67. It brings things closer than I expected, and a couple of times I found its field of view a little too narrow for the shot I had in mind, as it was difficult to move further away from the subject (which was quite far away) due to bushes, fences etc. Will have to wait until the film comes back from processing to evaluate the results and sum up what I leaned from the morning.

In the afternoon, headed out to the airport area again to try to get some shots for Assignment 2, 'A clear separation' and 'Colour accent'. I'm getting quite frustrated with the amount of time this assignment is taking. Working full time I can only get out at weekends to shoot, as it is dark when I come out of work, and luck dictates that the atmospheric conditions aren't always ideal for photography on the weekend. I shall, however, persevere in the knowledge that I shall try to catch up once the evenings draw out again after January / February.managed a shot of a building which may be suitable for the Colour Accent brief, but if not, it is good rearch to build on for shots for the MAjor project.

Sunday saw me head to an area near the Trafford Centre to check out some unused land with the Trafford Centre in the background. Althoughtall trees blocked the view I was expecting, I did see some perspectives which included modern flats appearing behind scrubland which may be useful for the major project. Took a short walk along the canal near Barton sing-bridge and took some shots to experiment with perspective and leading lines.

This weekend's progress:

  • Slowly developing more ideas and locations for the major project.
  • Getting a clear idea of themes which could run through the project.
  • Found a couple of new locations which may prove to be useful.

A little disappointed that I still haven't finished Assignment 2, but the background work I have been doing may help me get back on schedule in later assignments.

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